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Family members testify before commission investigating Lewiston mass shootings

Family members of Robert Card, responsible for the tragic shootings in Lewiston, Maine, appeared before an independent commission to urge uncovering the root cause of the events and addressing issues related to traumatic brain injuries and soldier protection in the Department of Defense.

On Thursday, May 16, 2024, family members of Robert Card, who was responsible for two shootings on October 25, 2023, that left 18 people dead in Lewiston, Maine, testified before an independent commission aimed at investigating the mass shootings. James Herling, Card’s brother-in-law, expressed a need for the commission to uncover the root cause of the tragedy.

Robert Card, a US Army reservist and certified firearms instructor, used an assault rifle in attacks at a bar and bowling alley. After a 48-hour manhunt, he was found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Card’s family had previously alerted authorities about his well-being and access to firearms as early as May 2023. The Sagadahoc County Sheriff’s Office and the US Army had conducted wellness checks, but a review suggested the sheriff’s office needed to improve its strategies.

The Concussion Legacy Foundation reported that Card’s brain showed evidence of traumatic brain injury from exposure to blasts at an Army training range. Both James and Nicole Herling emphasized the need for the Department of Defense to address traumatic brain injuries and enhance soldier protection, acknowledging that while these factors did not excuse Card’s actions, they contributed to the tragedy. The Department of Defense has been contacted for a response.


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