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Generation Z Values Civil Liberties and Housing Aspirations: NatCen Report

A recent report by the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) reveals that Generation Z prioritises civil liberties, supports civil disobedience, and has unique perspectives on citizenship and housing aspirations. The British Social Attitudes survey for 2024 shows a significant divergence in views between Gen Z and older generations, highlighting the need to understand these generational differences.

A recent report by the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) has revealed that Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2012) prioritizes civil liberties and personal freedoms more than previous generations. The British Social Attitudes survey for 2024 disclosed that only 16% of Gen Z believe the law should always be obeyed, even if it is considered wrong, compared to 32% of all adults.

The survey showed that 43% of Gen Z supports engaging in civil disobedience to oppose government actions, a higher percentage than seen in older generations. Additionally, only 57% of Gen Z believes that always obeying the law is essential to good citizenship, compared to at least 78% of other age groups.

Gen Z is also supportive of legalizing cannabis, with 80% in favor, and is less likely to believe that young people lack respect for traditional values, with only 31% holding this view compared to 52% of the general adult population.

Housing aspirations versus reality were also highlighted, with most Gen Z individuals expecting to live with parents or rent due to rising house prices, though 81% would prefer to buy a home if affordable. The report underscores the importance of understanding these generational views as Gen Z is set to comprise a quarter of the electorate by 2030.


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