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Lioness Captures Family’s Rottweiler in Nairobi Suburbs

A lioness in the suburbs of Nairobi, Kenya, was captured on CCTV as it jumped over a house gate, snatched a 75 kg Rottweiler named Jaci from a family’s garden, and escaped despite attempts to scare it away. Local authorities are investigating the incident while the devastated family living near a national park come to terms with the loss.

On May 21, 2024, a lioness in the suburbs of Nairobi, Kenya, captured a family’s Rottweiler named Jaci. The incident was recorded on CCTV, showing the lioness jumping over the house gate, entering the garden, and later emerging with the 75 kg dog in her jaws. The event took less than ten minutes according to the dog’s owner, Sylvia Wamai. The attack occurred at night, and the lioness managed to escape with the dog despite attempts by a worker, Joshua Isigi, to scare it away. Local authorities are currently investigating the incident. The family, living near a national park, is reportedly in shock and devastated by the loss.


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