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Major Disruption at Palma Airport as Storm Causes Extensive Flooding

Severe flooding at Palma Airport in Majorca after a storm led to multiple flight diversions and suspension of operations for safety reasons. Normal operations expected to take time to fully restore.

Palma Airport in Majorca experienced significant disruptions after a storm dropped 2 inches of rain within an hour, causing extensive flooding. The airport’s weather station reported rainfall peaking at 3.5 inches in less than an hour. This led to approximately 40 flights being diverted, with severe flooding affecting the runways and terminal buildings. Videos and photos showed water pouring into the airport and aircraft surrounded by water. Aena, the airport operator, confirmed the temporary suspension of operations for safety reasons. By the afternoon, the airport began to resume take-offs and landings, although normal operations were expected to take some time to restore fully. Controladores Aéreos, a flight monitoring account, highlighted the complexities of managing the delayed and diverted flights, all coordinated through Eurocontrol.


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