Rescue Operation Saves Baby Moose Trapped in Beluga Lake
A baby moose was successfully rescued in Beluga Lake, Homer, Alaska, after being trapped between a floatplane and a dock. The teamwork of Spencer Warren from Destination Alaska Adventure Co. and officers from the Homer Police Department led to the calf’s safe reunion with its mother.
On June 14, 2024, a rescue operation saved a baby moose trapped in Beluga Lake in Homer, Alaska. Spencer Warren, an employee of Destination Alaska Adventure Co., discovered the calf early in the morning while preparing a floatplane. The moose was wedged between the plane and a dock, struggling to find footing on the slippery metal surface.
Warren, concerned about the nearby protective mother moose, called for assistance. Officers from the Homer Police Department arrived at the scene. One officer positioned a vehicle between the mother and the lake to distract her, while another officer and Warren worked to free the calf.
After pulling the calf to safety, the exhausted animal lay on the dock momentarily before standing up with assistance. It reunited with its mother, who was seen licking her calf. The officers involved in the rescue were identified as Morgan Tracy and Charles Lee. The event was praised by Lt. Ryan Browning, highlighting the teamwork involved in the successful rescue.