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Right-Wing Parties Sweep European Elections, Shifting Political Dynamics

Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally, and other right-wing parties across Europe have marked significant victories in the European elections, causing a shift in the political dynamics of the region.

Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy secured a significant 29% of the vote in the European elections, surpassing their 2022 achievement of 26% and cementing their position as Italy’s leading party. The Italian Prime Minister celebrated by emulating Winston Churchill’s iconic V for victory gesture and thanked supporters on social media.

The rise of right-wing parties was evident across Europe. In France, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally outperformed with 31.4% of the vote, prompting President Emmanuel Macron to call for snap parliamentary elections set for June 30 and July 7. This unexpected move, following his party’s disappointing 14.6% voter share, has shaken the political landscape.

Éric Ciotti, leader of the Republicans, suggested an unprecedented alliance with National Rally. The recommendation ignited controversy within the party, traditionally opposed to far-right coalitions. Criticism of Ciotti came swiftly from within his party, highlighting the deep ideological divides.

In Austria, the Freedom Party led with 25.4% of votes, while Germany’s Alternative for Deutschland secured the second position. Belgium’s Vlaams Belang narrowly won European elections, reflecting a broader rightward trend across the region.


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