Bethenny Frankel, a 53-year-old former star of “Real Housewives of New York City,” criticized Chanel after being denied entry to its store in Chicago. Frankel posted an Instagram video on May 22 detailing her experience. Dressed casually with a “basic-b**** purse” and Garrett’s popcorn, she was allegedly turned away by a security guard for not having an appointment.

Frankel expressed her frustration at being treated like “an interloper” and suggested her casual attire might have influenced the refusal. She emphasized the significance of first impressions in business and criticized Chanel for what she perceived as elitist and exclusionary behavior.

The following day, Frankel returned to the store dressed head-to-toe in Chanel and documented the experience on video, noting the polite treatment from the security guards before being granted entry. Despite being allowed in, she immediately left the store.

Chanel has not commented on the incident. This isn’t the first time Frankel has called out a retail brand; she previously accused TJ Maxx of selling counterfeit designer shoes.