Rami Hawash, the fiancé of reality TV star Gemma Collins, announced the passing of his father on social media on Saturday. Hawash, a 49-year-old businessman, shared a touching tribute to his late father, expressing his grief and describing him as the “BEST DAD in the world.” The post featured a photo of the two smiling in suits.

Support poured in from followers, including Collins herself, who fondly remembered her future father-in-law as a fan of the sitcom Miranda. Various celebrities also extended their condolences, including the twins from X Factor, Jedward, and Collins’ mother, Joan. Eddie Boxshall, known for his appearance on Celebrity Gogglebox, also sent his heartfelt thoughts to the family.

Rami and Gemma, who got engaged earlier this year, reconnected during the pandemic after being previously engaged 11 years ago. Their relationship timeline includes significant life events, such as Gemma discussing her journey towards motherhood and overcoming multiple personal challenges during a recent podcast interview.